Millions of records have run through Modigie's Data Diagnostic.

Regardless of which primary data vendors are being used, industry averages consistently are the following:

You are Currently Going to Market with

Data Analysis on Your Untapped Prospects

 Missing Mobile #s
 Inaccurate Mobile #s
30% - 33%*
 Not at Target Company #s
 Not in North America  
 *Based on % of your existing mobile #s

 Optimal for Outbound

Adjust this slider to the right if your current data quality surpasses the primary data vendor average and to the left if it falls short, as indicated in the chart and table above.

With Modigie optimizing every record in real-time based on the analysis of each record, data quality and completeness along with rep performance, increases significantly.

Adjust the Inputs for your North American Sales Organization

Number of Outbound XDRs in North America =

Current Dial to Connect Rate
        where the intended person is reached =

Average Deal Value =

Only 15% of your current contact data is Optimal for Outbound85% is deficient

Scroll down to see how Modigie can
increase your annual revenue by $3,083,761.

Optimizing Every Record, in Real Time, Right Before Use, Significantly Increases Engagement With Your Target Market.

Data Quality Comparison
Turn Untapped Prospects into Customers
Your Data
Your Data with   
 Missing Mobile #s
50.3% 17.6%
 Mobile #s that are inaccurate
30% - 33%* 11.9%*
 Non Target Company #s
9.4% 0.0%
 Located Outside of North America
8.0% 0.0%
 Your Contacts Optimized for Outbound
15.4% 72.6%

*Based on % of your existing mobile #s

Your Contact Data Optimized with Modigie

Mathematical Guarantee. Your Math, Your Results.

The Financial Impact of Modigie's solution is calculated using the Sales Funnel Metrics you provided.
Increasing your conversations with your own ICP will increase meetings proportionally along with the rest of your sales funnel downstream.

$3,083,761 increase in annual revenue with an ROI of 3,953%.

Determine the impact on revenues of your desired increase in connect rate with Modigie (25% guaranteed)
  You are Currently Going to Market with   
Your Contact Data Optimized with Modigie

Advanced Modeling

Increase the precision of your financial modeling by adjusting the sliders below
Industry Averages brought to you by The Bridge Group (TBG)

Number of Outbound Reps =
Current Dial to Connect
The Average Deal Value
Average # of calls per XDR per day
TBG Industry Average: 50
Average # of net new prospects pursued per rep, per month
TBG Industry Average: 250
Approximate # of AEs making cold calls

Average Connected Call to Meeting Set rate
TBG Industry Average: 18%
Average Meeting to Closed Won rate
TBG Industry Average: 12%

You are currently leaving at least 25% in gains on the table

Your Pending Pilot and Expected Results, Based on Your Calculator Inputs

Your Annual Result Increase in Revenue ROI
Guaranteed 20% Increase in Conversions With the previously unreachable prospects in your Target Market $3,083,761 3,953%